You Pull out a Community Theatre Flavored Pop-Tart and yell.....


Community Theatre!!!!

Okay, so you are probably wondering what in the world all that was about aren't you? Well, it comes from the inspiration for this here page, theMUSH, TinyTIM. To be even more exact than that, it is the brain child of the misunderstood, yet precious genius that is Linotte.

So what exactly is it? It is called Pop-Tart Tag and is the cause of much laughter and much fun in general. What is the point behind it? To pull an actual flavor out of the box of PTs in the Pop-Tart Church (It is simply better if you don't ask).

What is the challenge in that you might ask. Well, there are only 4 actual flavors in said box: chocolate, strawberry, cherry and cinammon-brown sugar. The rest of the flavors, like the community theatre, have been created by TIMsters. What are some of them? Well......

Drano Cheez Whiz
Sweeeeeedish Meatballs Scrotal Cheese Wart
Sex Triangle Buffalo (Tatonka!!!!)
Incontinent-Monkey Liquid-Paper
vegemite asphalt

Okay, I think you get the picture. I guess you have to play it to really appreciate it...

Believe it or not, there is a point to all this. Over New Year's I went to visit a friend of mine in Kansas, Sombra (from TIM), and while out there I went to meet Linotte (real name Kendal) and another great TIMster and PT-Tag fo, TheRedKing (also know as Jeffity). Well, the two of them took it upon themselves to make me an X-mas present that, as they put it, "You will greatly appreciate it." So I get to Chez Linotte and what do I find waiting for me? A box of my very own Tatonka-Tarts. And that, my friends, is still the cause of much amusement around these parts (ie. my house).

So if you ever make it to TIM, go to the nexus, type 16, go in the church and head north. There you will find the box of Pop-Tarts and plenty of fun to be had. But until then, allow me to leave you with some words of wisdom.....


The remote-controlled truck auditions at rush hour with the thwarted Pop-Tart!!! (actual spy)

Freak freely and rule on my presh chiddren. May you find pop-tarts under your pillows at night always......


Comments should all go to Patrick at: